
Monday, 3 February 2025

Rattle and Horses

 A rare Saturday run with the Tribal Gruppe, starting at Maddings again, a cafe near Cranleigh which does a good coffee.

A good crowd turned up, including a rare 918 driven by an annoyingly young and good looking kid who was also a Porsche cup racer. At least the car was his dad's (replaced his Enzo) but damn, lucky kid:

A fun drive to a cafe in Cowfold and then on to the Half Moon pub in Kidford, which is owned by Jodie Kidd (she sadly wasn't serving behind the bar, as expected).

I meet a different set of nice people every time I go on these runs, so they are fun. However, the guy who runs these is a bit of a nutter (kicks people out the WhatsApp group whenever he fancies and doesn't like people talking unless they are regulars and don't discuss techy stuff, like fixing cars). I get the impression he's just about the social side and name dropping people he's met - I feel I may lose it with him one day. Oh well...

There is a very definite rattle from Barry's left front - hopefully, it's just the drop link, although that is supposed to be a bastard to get off. I've asked Cearth, who did my exhaust, if he is free to help me. Ordered drop links for front left and right (best to replace in pairs) for £90, although in some of the old receipts, there was some suspension work done on the right hand side only, so it might be easier to replace on that side.

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