A cold meet up again with the Surrey Porksters at Newlands Corner. At around 2 degC, it was too cold to use the cafe there but across the road was the Plucky Pheasant cafe, which I didn't know about (pretty sure it used to be a restaurant). An enjoyable, if not expensive, breakfast and natter was had:
I have started hearing a slight clank from the front-left suspension recently, just on rough surfaces at slow speeds, so it may be time to consider some suspension work. Cearth was at the meet today and he seems very keen to help with the work in his full-service garage, so I might start pricing up some parts.
I'd also like to change the coil packs and maybe the plugs while I'm there - no evidence of the coils ever having been done and they're the sort of annoying thing that might just go in the middle of my Alps trip.
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