Not done much over the last couple of weeks - popped out for a few drives to keep everything lubricated and so far very grateful to not detect any leaks into the car, what with the torrential rain we've been having.
I did take the car to a scratch repair place and they said those scratches are in the primer and won't just buff out - £800 to repaint both wings. Yeah, that's not happening for a while...
Typically, just as I buy a convertible, we have the wettest month probably on record. I'm also getting every darn weekend taken up with university visits for my daughter but we just had the last one, so hopefully, I can finally get out at weekends. I've found a good, local Facebook group who get out a lot (I annoyingly missed an excellent looking meet up at Biggin Hill this weekend) and they have meets on both upcoming weekends, so I'll hopefully get to those. The only problem is, they are sticklers for only allowing Boxsters to join in (they even refused a Cayman owner!) and I wanted to include my son in these meets. Have to see how it goes...
The non-working 12v socket was just a blown fuse, easily fixed and I did get my camera working ok (annoyingly, I forgot to wipe the SD card so I only got 5 minutes of me lost in a housing estate). It will need some padding to stop it rattling but should be good for future trips.
My roof did have a bit of a freak out and refused to open once. I sprayed some WD40 into the roof lock mechanism and that cured it but not sure how long for. The switches do go and are about £60 to replace, so not too serious, hopefully.
The mechanic who I was talking to found a 2nd hand drivesahft on eBay for £100, which he says he bought and paid for, although he seems to have gone silent at the moment. No rush but I'll hopefully get that changed soon...
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