
Sunday, 24 November 2024

Stormy Surrey Sprint

 Storm Bert has been blowing for the last few days bringing rain, gales and warm temperatures, just in time for my first Tribal Gruppe run.

The run started at a (new to me) cafe and it was an utter blast, literally as well. While the strong winds continued, the rain stopped and my roof stayed down almost all day. The roads were covered with leaves and bits of tree but they were mostly dry and, best of all, the weather warnings kept everyone else off the road; I had the clearest run I've had possibly ever.

The start cafe did a great egg and bacon roll and coffee:

There were about 15 cars, half 911s and the rest Boxsters and Caymans. The pace was pretty decent, helped by the lack of traffic and we kept in convoy to the first stop at another (new to me) cafe and another coffee. Two coffee's in 40 minutes is a bit much for me but I really enjoyed meeting some new people who were all much richer than me but also more my driving type - I covered 150 miles in total today which was great fun.

On the way back to Caffeine and Machine, near Petersfield, we stopped in at Goodwood. I didn't realise you could just drive in and it was weird to park up in the paddocks that I'm used to walking round at the FOS or the Revival:

Last stop was C&M, which had a few other cars but not many. I skipped the coffee but had a good natter with a couple of new guys who I got on really well with.

My drive back was just as good, using a route I've used several times before from that area and it was even better today than normal, with so little traffic around.

Overall,  a great day, much better than I expected and I'll try do some more with the group - I much prefer the variety and longer distance they travel.

I also bought some gummi phlege, a rubber treatment for the trim around the roof, doors etc and applied that today. I'm not sure if it's needed but some of my trim does look a bit past best and with the really cold weather approaching, I thought it might help.

Friday, 15 November 2024

Rumbles in the WA Groups

 Nothing too exciting recently - a couple of weekday lunch runs and a short loop run to a new cafe (Surrey Hills) with the Porkers group. 

I have somehow been given the role of 'Nutcase driver' for the group and am always asked to lead the fast group. I don't feel I'm that bad but I get the impression there have been mutterings behind my back from some of the more cautious members - most of the people went in the 'brisk' group and only 3 of us were in the fast group. The guy who leads the brisk group is pretty quick, so I don't think there is much of a difference but who knows...

What is more sad is that I had a little falling out with the guy who runs the group - he didn't like my funny reply to another member who was asking for advice over a flat battery. There had already been 30+ replies to his flat battery issue, so I had nothing to add, I just made a minor joke, which the member himself laughed at. However, main guy got snotty and really pissed me off...I get the feeling he has never really liked me; maybe because I keep suggesting new things (everyone to use a sat-nav and radios on a run, for example), longer runs to different venues etc. Whatever it is, this was just another nail in the coffin.

It's a shame because most of the others are fine (one other guy is best buds with main man and he also didn't like my comment), although they are a little dull in respect to what to do at weekends - they all seem happy to go to the same pub/cafe 20 minutes down the road, then go home - it's getting boring. Only bright side, boss man is selling his Boxster and, according to his own strict rules, he can't be a member if he doesn't have one :-)

In search of something more interesting, I have joined Performance and Prestige Car Club (bit of a mouthful - I'll use PPCC from now on), which actually cost me £50. However, they are car agnostics - any car is welcome in the group and they seem a little bit more exciting - I have booked on to a 3 day Welsh tour in May with them and while they don't do any weekly runs, they do other stuff through the year. See how it goes...

Also, there is Tribal Gruppe, a Porsche-only club which is incredibly hectic - the organiser (who must be doing this full-time) is planning 20 (!) European road trips next year! They do loads of other runs which are quite professionally-run; you pay a small amount for each run (around £5) and I've booked on one in 2 weeks time, to see how it goes. I get the feeling it will be a slow convoy and crowded car parks but worth a shot.

I quite like the sound of his Euro trips formats; seems that you pay him a small-ish amount and you get a list of hotels and dates which you book up yourself and just get there however you like (I think he might offer routes as well?). Sounds an interesting way to do it - have the day driving to yourself and know you'll have an evening with some like-minded people. I might try one of those....

Finally, my son continues to have bad luck with cars (although he will insist on these super-expensive hypercars) - his C63 cut-out on the way to work, misfiring and hopping down the road. We got it recovered to a MB dealer (my son refuses to do anything cheaper) who diagnosed a blown inlet manifold gasket. A new gasket costs around £20 - the work to replace it? £2,400 !!! Yes, you read that right...his pads and discs were all close to death as well so he had them do those as well - total bill, £3,900 !! Holy Shit! He is now so broke, he has had to SORN the C63 and cancel the insurance until the Spring, to pay for the work. Luckily, my mother-in-law has a garage she does not use, so the car is laid up for the winter.

So now he can't get to work - what does he do? He's done his CBT and bought a 125cc bike!! My wife is petrified and I tried to dissuade him but he is a stubborn git and also an adult - I can't force him not to. Bike has just arrived (he paid £2,400 for it) and I helped him buy some decent gear - I pray I don't live to regret not being more forceful.